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Dominant species


Classification:Igneous Rock

A ultrabasic dark green volcanic rock, which contains no feldspar, and the main feldspar mineral is nepheline. The matrix is vitreous and belongs to Bess.

Limburgite has a porphyritic and porphyritic structure. The speckles are olivine and titanium bearing pyroxene, and the matrix is yellowish brown glass or microcrystalline aggregates consisting of amyroxene, metal minerals and a small number of plagioclase. When the content of rocks over olivine pyroxene can transition to pyroxenite websterite. The olivine is a shallow - out - out phase of peridotite. The main occurrence is sills and dykes and other small intrusions, followed by basaltic lava pile bottom phase. It is mainly composed of olivine (50-70%) and pyroxene. The pyroxene is mostly common pyroxene, titanium bearing pyroxene, and sometimes chromic diopside, trapezite, basic plagioclase, brown hornblende, mica and metallic minerals, occasionally apatite. Limburgite has microcrystalline structure, granular structure, intergranular structure and intergranular structure. When the picrite porphyritic texture when the transition to picrite porphyrite.